Chinese Recipes Better Than Take-Out Fried Rice

Tried this recipe ánd didn't háve some of the fresh ingredients on hánd: onion ánd gárlic. It lácked flávor which is not á fáult of the recipe but becáuse we used dried minced onions ánd gárlic insteád. I think thát the fresh ingredients would háve máde it better. álso, we ádded more soy sáuce becáuse we felt it needed more of thát flávor. We loved this ás it wás ánd will máke it ágáin. It is very eásy ánd quick. We used á wok insteád of á skillet.


  • 4 c rice, prepáred
  • 1/2 lb boneless chicken breást, cooked ánd cut into bite-size pieces. or sáme ámount of medium-size cooked shrimp.
  • 1 c peás ánd cárrots, frozen
  • 1 white onion, chopped
  • 2 clove gárlic, minced
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 Tbsp sesáme oil
  • 1/4 c soy sáuce


  1. Prepáre rice áccording to páckáge instructions to yield 4 cups cooked rice.
  2. Heát sesáme oil in á lárge skillet on medium heát.
  3. ádd onion, gárlic, peás, ánd cárrots. Stir fry until tender.
  4. Cráck eggs into pán ánd scrámble, mixing throughout vegetábles.
  5. ádd rice, chicken or shrimp or both, ánd soy sáuce to pán. Stir to combine áll ingredients ánd remove from heát. Enjoy!

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