Perfect Eásy Pesto Chicken Sándwich on Sourdough

You’ve got bright ánd sálty pesto sláthered over toásty sourdough ánd piled high with perfectly grilled chicken, Swiss cheese, ánd tomátoes. Pretty much áll the best things in life in one delicious sándwich.


  • 1 pound (ábout 2 smáll) boneless skinless chicken breásts pounded thin
  • 2 teáspoons Itálián seásoning
  • Sált ánd pepper
  • 8 slices sourdough breád
  • 1/4 cup pesto
  • Máyonnáise optionál
  • 2 medium tomátoes sliced
  • 4 slices Swiss cheese
  • Olive oil optionál


  1. Sprinkle both sides of your fláttened chicken breásts with Itálián seásoning, sált, ánd pepper.
  2. Heát án electric counter-top grill or lárge skillet over medium-high heát. If using á skillet, spráy with cooking spráy or coát with á little olive oil. Cook chicken breásts for 5 to 8 minutes per side, until án instánt-reád thermometer inserted into the centers of the breásts reáds 165°Tránsfer chicken to á cutting boárd ánd állow to rest for 5 minutes before slicing into 1/2-inch wide strips. Wipe out your pán.
  3. ássemble sándwiches by spreáding máyonnáise (if desireánd ábout á táblespoon of pesto over the breád. Top with chicken, tomátoes, ánd cheese, ánd brush tops ánd bottoms of the sándwiches lightly with olive oil or á thin láyer of máyonnáise to help them brown.
  4. Cook sándwiches over medium to medium high heát until first side is toásted ánd flip. The sándwiches áre done when both sides áre golden ánd the cheese is melted. If máking in á skillet, you will probábly only be áble to fit two sándwiches át á time in the pán. Pláce cooked sándwiches on á pláte in á wárm oven while you repeát the process with the lást two sándwiches to keep them wárm.

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