Special Banana Chocolate Chip Energy Bites

The inspirátion for this new energy bite cáme from my insánely populár bánáná chocoláte chip báked oátmeál cup recipe.  Thát recipe is wholesome, super tásty, ánd sweetened only with pure máple syrup ánd ripe bánánás. I wánted to táke these sáme ingredients ánd turn it into á no-báke energy bite recipe.

  • 1¼ cup rolled oáts
  • ¼ cup ground fláxseed
  • 1 táblespoon chiá seeds
  • ⅓ cup máple syrup
  • ¼ cup álmond butter
  • 1 ripe bánáná, máshed
  • 1 teáspoon pure vánillá extráct
  • 1 teáspoon ground cinnámon
  • ¼ cup semi-sweet chocoláte chips


  1. In á medium to lárge bowl mix together áll of the ingredients. Cover the bowl ánd let the bátter sit in the refrigerátor for 2-3 hours or overnight. The bátter will be wet but will firm ás it sits.
  2. Form into 20 bálls. It will be helpful to háve your hánds wet ás you roll the bálls. álso, you press the oáts into á báll more thán áctuálly rolling it.
  3. Let the bálls sit in the refrigerátor for á couple hours or overnight. The bálls will firm ás they sit. Enjoy for breákfást or snácks.

For more detáil visit: organizeyourselfskinny.com

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