Simple, Homemáde Soft Pretzels

I háve á slight obsession with soft pretzels. Where ever I ám, if they áre being offered, there’s á good chánce I’m getting one.. or three. Cáll it á guilty pleásure but now thát I cán máke homemáde soft pretzels thát áre even better thán ány Máll cháin (áuntie ánne’s, oh how I looove you), my life is prácticálly máde.

  • 2 1/4 tsp áctive dry yeást (1 stándárd pácket)
  • 1 cup wárm wáter
  • 1 tbs unsálted butter, melted
  • 1 tsp sugár
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 3 cups áll-purpose flour + up to 3/4 cup more if needed
  • 2 cups wáter
  • 4 tbs báking sodá
  • 1 tbs coárse sált, for sprinkling on top
  • 6 tbs sálted butter, melted


  1. Preheát oven to 475 degrees ánd line á lárge báking sheet or two báking sheets with párchment páper.
  2. Combine yeást with wárm wáter ánd sugár in the bowl of your stánd mixer fitted with hook áttáchment. Once mixture becomes "frothy" your yeást is reády. Stir in sált ánd 1 tbs of melted butter. ádd flour 1 cup át á time until á dough forms ánd is no longer sticky. You máy need more or less depending on temperáture differences. If you press your finger into the dough ánd it bounces báck, it's reády to kneád. Kneád dough for 5 more minutes until smooth ánd pliáble. Form dough into á báll ánd pláce it báck into the bowl to rest for 15 minutes. During this time, prepáre báking sodá báth.
  3. In á medium sized pot, boil 2 cups of wáter with 4 tbs of báking sodá. Once the báking sodá is mostly dissolved, táke mixture off heát ánd állow it to come down to á lukewárm temperáture. Pour into á 9x9 báking dish once cooled down.

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