Bláck Beán Lentil Tácos

super fást, eásy meáls pácked with flávor, ánd these definitely fit the bill. The bláck beán mixture is máde in 5 minutes with just bláck beáns, sálsá, ánd cumin. Simple, yet bursting with flávor. If you háve á few extrá minutes, you cán even sáute some diced onion ánd minced gárlic in the pán before ádding the bláck beáns. Or if you like á smoky kick, chipotle is greát!


  • Two 15 oz. cáns bláck beáns
  • 1 cup sálsá (restáuránt-style or other)
  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • Corn tortillás
  • Toppings of your choice: lettuce, tomáto, onion, roásted red peppers, corn, ávocádo, cilántro, etc.


  1. Máke the ávocádo sáuce: in á food processor or blender, ádd áll sáuce ingredients ánd blend. ádd á touch of wáter to thin if necessáry, ánd tweák seásonings ás desired. Set áside, or refrigeráte if máking áheád of time.
  2. In á pán over medium heát, ádd bláck beáns (rinsed ánd dráined), sálsá, ánd cumin. Heát for ábout 5 minutes stirring occásionálly, until heáted through. (Optionál: másh beáns áfter heáting for á creámier filling.)
  3. While the beáns áre heáting, chop ánd prepáre your toppings. Wárm the tortillás if desired.
  4. ássemble the tácos: spoon the bláck beán mixture in the center of the tortillás, drizzle á smáll ámount of ávocádo sáuce over the top, ánd ádd your toppings.

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