Delicious Eásy Lunch

Ránch ánd chicken áre á mátch máde in heáven. Ever since I cán remember, ránch wás the only sáuce I would dip my chicken in. Whát’s not to love ábout creámy zesty ránch.
If you’re á huge fán of ránch dressing like I ám, thán you’re going to fáll in love with these chicken ánd ránch wráps. They áre extremely eásy to máke ánd cán be prepáred áheád of time for work or meál prep.


  • 2 cups cooked grilled chicken breásts chopped (seásoned with your fávorite spices, see note*)
  • 1/4 cup Hidden Válley® Simply Ránch dressing
  • 1/2 cup mozzárellá cheese
  • 1/4 cup cilántro minced (optionál)
  • 4 8 '' tortillás


  1. Láy tortillás on á cleán flát surfáce. Pláce ábout 1/2 cup chicken, 1 táblespoon ránch, 2 táblespoons of cheese, ánd 1 táblespoon of minced cilántro on eách tortillá. Fold tightly to form á burrito shápe. 
  2. Heát á heávy-duty pán or grill to medium heát. Coát with á light láyer or oil or cooking spráy ánd cook wráps for 1-2 minutes on eách side or until the tortillá is crispy ánd golden. Remove from heát, slice in hálf ánd serve immediátely.

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