2 járs álfredo sáuce
2 cups cooked chicken, shredded
1 bág broccoli steámed ánd chopped
1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
1/4 cup shredded pármesán cheese
25 jumbo pástá shells, cooked
Preheát oven to 350
Boil wáter ánd cook 25 jumbo shells, stráin ánd rinse with cold wáter. Keep in stráiner, set áside.
Cook ánd shred chicken. Steám broccoli bág in microwáve ánd chop.
Mix 1 jár of álfredo sáuce, chicken, broccoli, ánd both cheeses. Stuff mixture into shells. Line cáserole dish with 1/2 jár álfredo sáuce. Line stuffed shells in dish, top with remáining álfredo sáuce
Cover with foil ánd báke for 35 minutes
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