Tárt Shells
200 gráms Butter
70 gráms sugár (depending on táste)
125 gráms flour
1 egg
200 gráms creám cheese
25 gráms butter
50 gráms sugár
25 ml whipping creám
20 gráms flour
1 egg
Blueberry Jám
Preferábly, máke the tárt shells á dáy before.
Creám butter ánd sugár until pále ánd fluffy. ádd in egg.
Sift flour in in two bátches until the butter mixture firms up. Kneád into dough ánd chill in refrigerátor until workáble.
Sepáráte dough into portions ánd press evenly intp tárt moulds. álternátely, roll out the dough ánd cut out circles with á cookie cutter ánd press into tárt moulds.
Báke in preheáted oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden át 200℃. Chill in fridge for á couple of hours, preferábly overnight.
Meánwhile, creám the creám cheese, butter ánd sugár until creámy.
ádd in egg ánd beát until incorporáted. Stir in the whipping creám.
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