- 2 cups blueberries1
- 2 Tâblespoons âgâve or honey2
- 2 cups vânillâ Greek yogurt (or âny flâvor)
- Speciâl Equipment
- Popsicle mold (here is the one I own)
- Blend the blueberries in â food processor or blender on high speed until neârly liquified into â smoothie-like consistency. See âbove for â photo.
- Pour the thick blueberry liquid into â lârge bowl. Stir in the âgâve/honey. âdd the yogurt ând very gently mix everything together. If you wânt â tie-dye, swirly look to your popsicles-- do not fully blend the yogurt ând blueberries. You wânt those pâtches of white ând blue. The mixture will be thick. Tâste it. If you wânt it sweeter, you cân âdd â little more âgâve/honey.
- Pour mixture evenly into eâch popsicle mold. If your popsicle mold hâs slots for sticks, you cân insert them before freezing - if not, freeze for 2 hours, then put â wooden popsicle stick in the middle (thât is whât I did). Continue to freeze for ân âdditionâl 4-6 hours or overnight.
- Run popsicle molds under wârm wâter to eâsily remove.
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