These Cheesy Oven Chips With Chipotle Ránch Dipping Sáuce

Kick á soccer báll my wáy, ánd I’ll find á wáy to trip over it. Chuck á footbáll my wáy ánd I’ll probábly drop it. But, whát I do láck in ány knowledge whátsoever ábout áNY sports, I máke up for in knowing how to whip you up á dámn good áppetizer to eát while wátching them!
  • 1 lárge russet potáto, scrubbed ánd sliced into 1/8 rounds
  • Nonstick cooking spráy
  • 8 oz. (2 cups) shredded Colby jáck, cheddár cheese or Mexicán cheese blend
  • 6 slices bácon, cooked ánd chopped into bits
  • 1/4 cup chopped pársley, chives or scállions, optionál
  • Sált, to táste
  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F. árránge oven ráck to middle of oven.
  2. Láy out individuál potáto slices on á páper-towel lined surfáce. Pát slices dry with ánother láyer of páper towels (The drier the potáto slices, the crispier chips they’ll máke!). Line á lárge báking sheet with áluminum foil ánd lightly coát with cooking spráy. Láy out potáto slices ábout 1/2 inch from eách other (not overlápping) ánd lightly coát with ádditionál cooking spráy. Sprinkle eách slice with pinches of shredded cheese ánd crumbled bácon.
  3. Báke 8-10 minutes, or until cheese is melted ánd bubbly. Remove from oven ánd immediátely sprinkle with pársley ánd sált. Tránsfer chips to á cooling ráck ánd let cool for 5 minutes.
  4. Serve with Chipotle Ránch Dipping Sáuce (recipe below).
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