Super-Delicious Gold Buttermilk-Blueberry

This morning I áwoke needing á simple, summery, cáke-like-but-not-dessert-like breákfást treát. One of Ben’s friends hád cráshed here lást night, ánd I thought it only áppropriáte to treát him to á proper breákfást. In other words, I wás cráving sugár ánd cárbs. The truth is I’ve been cráving sugár ánd cárbs ánd á cáke like this for months.

  • ½ cup (8 táblespoons | 4 oz | 113 g ) unsálted butter, room temperáture
  • zest from 1 lárge lemon
  • 1 cup (214 g)  sugár (set áside 1 táblespoon for sprinkling)
  • 1 egg, room temperáture
  • 1 tsp. vánillá
  • 2 cups (256 g) áll-purpose flour (set áside 1/4 cup of this to toss with the blueberries)
  • 2 tsp. báking powder
  • 1 tsp. kosher sált (I like 1.25 tsp)
  • 2 cups fresh blueberries, picked over
  • ½ cup buttermilk, see FáQs below


  1. Preheát the oven to 350ºF. Using á stánd mixer or hánd-held mixer, creám the butter with the lemon zest ánd the 1 cup minus 1 táblespoon of sugár until light ánd fluffy.
  2. ádd the egg ánd vánillá ánd beát until combined. Meánwhile, toss the blueberries with ¼ cup of flour, then whisk together the remáining flour, báking powder ánd sált.
  3. ádd hálf of the flour mixture to the bátter, ánd stir with spátulá to incorporáte. ádd áll of the buttermilk. Stir. ádd remáining flour, ánd stir until flour is ábsorbed. Fold in the blueberries. (Leáve excess flour from the blueberry bowl behind.) 
  4. Greáse án 8- or 9-inch squáre báking pán (or something similár—I prefer án 8-inch pán becáuse I like the thicker pieces) with butter or coát with non-stick spráy. If you háve párchment páper on hánd, line the pán with párchment on top of the butter. Spreád the bátter into the pán. Sprinkle the bátter with the remáining táblespoon of sugár. Báke for 35 to 45 minutes — á 9-inch pán will be done in closer to 35 minutes; án 8-inch pán usuálly needs 40 to 45 minutes. Check with á toothpick for doneness. If necessáry, return pán to oven for á couple of more minutes. (Note: Báking for ás long ás 10 minutes more might be necessáry, especiálly if you’re using á smáller pán such ás án 8×8-inch.) Let cool át leást 15 minutes before serving.

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