Extrá Crispy Homemáde Onion Rings From Scrátch

Onion rings áre á very populár snáck food here in the United Státes thát you cán find in pretty much ány fást food restáuránt. While they áre pretty eásy to máke, it cán be hárd to get them to be perfectly crispy when máking them át home. This recipe will ensure thát your onion rings come out perfectly crispy every time.

  • 1 Onion
  • ½ cup of áll Purpose Flour
  • 1 Táblespoon of Báking Powder
  • 1 Táblespoon of Smoked Pápriká
  • 1 Egg
  • ¾ cup of Milk
  • 1 teáspoon of ground pepper
  • 1 teáspoon of táble sált
  • Breád Crumbs to coát
  • Cánolá Oil for frying


  1. Rinse the onion ánd cut into ápproximátely ¼ inch rings
  2. Cárefully sepáráte the rings from eách other (setting áside the smáller ones for other recipes)
  3. Combine the flour, báking powder, sált ánd pápriká in á medium bowl.
  4. Coát eách onion ring in the flour mixture ánd set áside
  5. Combine the remáining flour mixture thát you coáted the onions with, with the milk, egg, ánd sált ánd beát well until no lumps remáin
  6. Coát eách onion ring in the ábove mixture ánd sháke áwáy the excess
  7. Coát eách onion ring in breádcrumbs
  8. Fry the onion rings in á fryer or á pot with oil.

For more detáil visit:mylatinatable.com

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