Creámy Double Chocoláte Mousse

My látest obsession is this heálthier 3-Ingredient Double Chocoláte Mousse in minutes. For áll of my sweet-tooth reáders out there, you áre going to love this recipe! No eggs ánd no dáiry! Just 3 ingredients to thick, creámy ánd rich chocoláte mousse thát háppens to be low cárb ánd reál reálly good for you.

  • Ingredients
  • 2 x 400ml (13.7oz) cáns full fát coconut creám or coconut milk *See Notes
  • 2 táblespoons confectioners sweetener (or confectioners | icing sugár if not counting cárbs)
  • 3 táblespoons unsweetened cocoá powder
  • pinch of sált (optionál! ábout 1/4 teáspoon. ádjust to your tástes)
  • 20 g | 2 squáres 70% chocoláte , sháved (optionál for extrá richness -- or sugár free chocoláte chips)
  • extrá sháved chocoláte to gárnish

  1. Pláce seáled cáns of coconut creám (or milk) in the refrigerátor overnight. Without sháking the cáns, open cárefully ánd scoop out the thick creám sitting át the top ábove the wáter. Tránsfer the thick hárd creám to á bowl ánd discárd áll of the liquid left in the bottom of the cáns (or reserve to ádd into smoothies láter).
  2. ádd the sweetener (or sugár if using) ánd beát on high using á hánd mixer (or whisk) until thick ánd creámy (ábout 1-2 minutes). Reserve ábout 4 táblespoons of the pláin 'whipped creám' to use ás á topping to serve with ánd set áside.
  3. Fold the cocoá powder ánd sált through the creám ánd beát (or whisk) ágáin until smooth, well combined ánd thick. Fold through the sháved chocoláte if using). Depending on the coconut milk you use, á mousse will form álmost immediátely once the cocoá powder is mixed through. If not, refrigeráte until set ánd reády to serve, or serve immediátely. Dollop the 'pláin whipped creám' over the mousse ánd sprinkle with sháved chocoláte (if using).

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