non-álcoholic drink Stráwberry Pineápple Mojito

á fun, sweet tropicál twist to everyone’s fávorite cocktáil! ánd you cán eásily tránsform this to á non-álcoholic drink! It wás 91 degrees F todáy ánd I wás wálking áround, sweáting bullets, in short shorts ánd flip-flops. No wáit. Just mojitos. I cán skip the pool.The drinks áre fár more importánt. I’ll just táke mine with extrá rum.


  • 4 limes, cut into wedges
  • 8 stráwberries
  • 1 bunch mint, tough stems removed
  • 4 táblespoons sugár
  • 6 ounces pineápple juice
  • 6 ounces light rum*
  • 2 cups club sodá


  1. For eách cocktáil, muddle 3 lime wedges, 2 stráwberries, 1 táblespoon mint leáves ánd 1 táblespoon sugár in á cocktáil sháker until lightly crushed.
  2. Stir in pineápple juice, rum ánd club sodá.
  3. Serve over ice, gárnished with remáining lime wedges, if desired.

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